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How to develop creative thinking and creativity

Who shar creative thinking methods for life and work. You are reading the magazine Compass – a messenger for effective and safe teamwork. Learn more about Compass In the article we tell: How to come up with a creative idea and solve a problem with it. What are the different brainstorming methods and what to do when you brainstorm.

A large number of unusual and interesting ideas

Whenever you want. How to create unusual ideas from scratch. How to Generate Lots of Business Ideas Even If You Don’t Have the Ability to Generate Ideas russia phone number library How to use idea generation techniques that will help you not only generate a large number of ideas, but also implement them into your work. Method #1: Use Multiple Perspectives to Generate Better Options – The Six Hats Method When searching for ideas on a topic, you perceive the situation and any problem subjectively, through the prism of personal experience.

Therefore, you do not see unusual solutions to old problems

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Let’s say you have your own lollipop production and want to increase your profits. The usual options could be entering a new market, increasing or decreasing the price, or expanding the range. To see a problem from different perspectives, change your perspective using the six thinking hats technique and step outside your usual thinking. Each hat allows you to writing for the web: the abc of seo copywriting evaluate ideas from different angles. Put on the six hats one by one as a team, or distribute them if participants choose specific roles. White – analytical thinking.

Questions for the white hat:

What information and facts do you have? What information buy lead is missing? How reliable are the data and materials? How is it done by others? An example of idea generation by a person in white: he can estimate the current profit of the company and the profitability of a new business idea for the production of lollipops, collect the information ne for the actual assessment. R – emotional thinking. Questions for the r hat: What is your inner feeling? What is your first impression? How attractive is the form of the idea? When generating new ideas, you can express your thoughts without any justification.

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