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B2B Benchmarks for Social Media Marketing

The bounce rate

The bounce rate is also an important metric for B2B social media marketing. It indicates the percentage of users who leave the page they landed on without taking any action after clicking on your post. It provides information on how well bosnia and herzegovina number data or poorly your social media campaigns are received by your target group.

The social media conversion rate

The social media conversion rate provides clear information about what is crucial for every post and every campaign: How does my content and what I offer actually resonate with my target group? It shows the proportion of conversions that were achieved via social media.

The click price (CPC)

A fixed and important factor for B2B social media marketing is the click price. Ads are also displayed on social media channels. The CPC also indicates how much money you pay per click on your social media ad.



Regularly analyzing the key figures of your B2B online marketing measures pays off. The common B2B benchmarks of the individual marketing areas are suitable for better comparability. In the B2B environment, however, the key figures can have a Social Media Marketing different value than in B2C. It is worth taking a look at these key figures in order to take smaller display sizes into account both when evaluating and optimizing existing measures and when planning future ones. At least as important: How are other companies positioned digitally? And how is the B2B industry positioned in comparison to B2C? The DDV study shows: There is still a lot of potential for B2B companies in particular. For example, when it comes to the use of social media or multi-channeling.

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Sources used :

  • DDV study “Digital Marketing Benchmarks 2020”
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