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Office 365 deployment: how to ensure email security?

Ransomware attacks are on the rise and affect everyone, even small businesses. These malicious programs are often introduc via email . Therefore, the security aspect of your professional email system should not be taken lightly. In addition to making your employees Office 365 deployment aware of basic actions (not opening emails with strange objects or attachments, changing passwords regularly and not using the same one everywhere, etc.), other solutions must be put in place to ensure their IT security .

In this article, we take a look at the current state of Exchange email security and give you our tips on how to protect your email.

Securing Exchange email: what are the numbers and challenges?

Security of messageries Exchange

Most ransomware attacks are opportunistic and take advantage of organizations’ low levels of digital maturity. Since 2018, attacks have intensifi and are jamaica email list 329174 contact leads increasingly being coupl with other malware such as cryptoviruses or other Trojans. This makes it easier for hackers to encrypt company data as well as private data and demand a ransom to access their own data.

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Email protection: our top three tips
To ruce risks and protect your business, there are several steps you can take. However, if we had to give you our top tips, we would choose the following three.

Raising awareness among employees

Malware attacks often originate from emails receiv by an employee. It is therefore essential to remind employees of good practices and to emergency webmail: why not do without it? stress the correct use of email : not to open suspicious objects or attachments or from unknown recipients, to report any problems to the IT department, etc. This is not an absolute defence, but it is a necessary step to ruce the risk of attacks.

Protecting the company’s information systems
Of course, securing your information cg leads system is essential. This involves managing application access rights, partitioning the IS to limit the risk of spreading to all workstations. Keeping the various applications up to date, as this improves their security, and regularly backing up data.


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