Home » How to get guaranteed attention from a company that has screwed you over

How to get guaranteed attention from a company that has screwed you over

Most of us have already experienced a problem with a company. The bigger the problem, the less likely it is that someone will solve it. This post proposes some possibilities for solving it.
Carlos Bravo1
I’m not saying anything new when I tell you that writing a blog post is a good way to get the attention of a company that has pissed us off. This type of post usually attracts a lot of attention because a person publicly shares all their angry emotions about the bad experience they had using services or products from a specific brand.

How to get a company’s attentionPhoto rights by Fotolia

What many people forget when they publish this type of post is that the negative impact is generated on both sides. From my point of view, the author of the post is not aware of the “collateral damage” he is causing himself:

Forget about getting short-term direct advertisers on your blog because they will be scared of you at the very least.
Towards some of your readers you may show a side that they are unaware of, since it is not typical of you to show such a negative reaction.
When you point your finger at someone, you have to assume that there will always be a group of people who will look for your share of the croatia phone number library blame for what happened.
In this context, I really liked the post published yesterday by Javier Echaleku about usability in online POS of banks . He describes his disastrous experience with the Caixa Cataluña payment gateway. He does it in a different way so I recommend you read the post directly. It inspired me to create this entry. What I didn’t like so much is that I hadn’t had a similar idea before… The next time we have a problem with a company and we need to get rid of our frustration, we should consider the philosophy of Javier’s post to generate an impact without having the “collateral damage” mentioned:

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Tell a personal and entertaining story

It all starts with a personal story. Share how you experienced it and what you felt. Writing about personal emotions in an entertaining way helps keep your customers you connect with your readers. In many cases, you will probably tell an anecdote that many of them have also experienced (or suffered).

2. Don’t use negative expressions : When we get really angry, it’s hard not to fall into all the negativity we feel inside. Even if we are completely right, speaking badly or even insulting someone will always reflect on us as well. Imagine that angry customer tg data at the post office who starts shouting. At another person because they have jumped the queue. Even if they are right, they are giving you a positive image.

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