Happy Birthday Doppler! Almost

Juliana Monacchi
Juliana Monacchi
Content Manager at FromDoppler. He loves reading, travelling, and going to the theatre. He dreams of learning to play the drums.

Wrote 43 posts


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Doppler turns 9 years old

On Saturday, May 30th, we will celebrate our ninth anniversary . In this article, you will find out what our upcoming projects are and how to participate in a game that will earn you excellent prizes.

We are now very close to ten, a number that gives the feeling of jumping into another phase; of closing a cycle to start another. In fact, it is not just a feeling, in our numerical system ten is the first number that does not have a symbol! Obviously, it is the beginning of something different .

And after thinking about it for a moment,

A we realized that this is how we are in Doppler , about to take a leap and transform onc usa data  e again. Ready to face the number ten, with all that implies!

This birthday finds us working hard to begin a ne from “win-win” to “win-more” in business collaborations w stage, with many projects and renovations. As often happens to us, knowing that the goal is still ahead is our greatest motivation.

Nine years and many changes ahead that we know will make us a different company. That’s why working day after day on each of these projects inspires us and fills us with enthusiasm. Join us on this journey!



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