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From Kirby Call Center Operator to Founder of His Own Company

filled in with an error Hello, friends! This is my personal storytale that I want to share with you. I am sure that this article will be interesting to every entrepreneur. Business owner and those who are just starting their business.Once in 2008. I could not even imagine what my first work experience would lead to.
This story will contain real biographical stories that happened in my life. Over 11 years of my career
I will share with you using the example of real companies in which. I managed to work in various positions in the field of telemarketing: from a full-time call center operator to the head of entire departments of large companies.
For many organizations cold calling is not only a key. But sometimes the only tool for attracting new clients. You will be surprised that some companies live solely on the work of their call center!

 About working at filled in with an error  KIRBY

filled in with an error In 2008, a young provincial girl, studying in her second year at the institute, in dire need of a part-time job, got into a company that sells Kirby vacuum cleaners.
filled in with an error Yes, that same Kirby. Surely many remember this boom of “vacuum cleaners” who sold their devices for 140,000 rubles. Operators, according to rumors: people and forced them to take out loansOf course, these are tales of people who know nothing about sales. We did not have any NLP systems, hypnosis or other methods of invading consciousness. The very specifics of Kirby’s sales were based on the most powerful sales technology, accessible to absolutely every manager. American sales coaches came to our office, we studied every day for 15-20 minutes. We learned how to sell, what to say, what techniques to use and how to convince the client to make his choice.

By the way, Kirby distributors were prohibited from using any

filled in with an error other advertising tools except cold calling. However, due to telemarketing alone, there were over 5,000 sales offices in Russia, with a monthly sales turnover of 3,500 units. This data is officially confirmed – you can google it.I started my career in this company as a call center operator . I still remember how scary it was to make my first call to a client, how hard it was not to get upset when you were refused. My job as an operator was to schedule a demonstration of the vacuum cleaner at the client’s apartment and not just schedule it, but to make sure that this meeting actually took place.
I was paid 120 rubles for a demonstration. Specifically for one that took place, not just for one that was scheduled!
filled in with an error Do you know what my salary was?4,500 rubles. But it was precisely this low cmbodia telegram data  rate that gave me a “kick” to work as hard as possible for the result. And later I passed this “kick” of working for the result to my employees, having reached the position of Head of the Kirby Call Center.

Important things about salary


In this company, we understood perfectly well what it meant to work for results. After all, if our team had no sales, then there was no salary. We knew perfectly well that with our salary we had to schedule quality presentations and make sales with our clients. If there are sales, there is a salary. It’s that simple.
cambodia telegram data


The next step in my career is the head of the telemarketing department. In a company engaged in the sale of reference and legal. Systems known to many entrepreneurs: Glav Bukh, HR, Yurist and other Aktion-MCFER systems.
filled in with an error The company trusted my experience and immediately sent me on a long-term business trip to another city to open a new branch of the company from scratch. The results of 8 branches of the company in different cities (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk) depended on the work of our team.
During an 8-hour workday, my employees professional email systems pose a risk to companies  switched from one product to another – 6 times, to different regions – 8 cities, to different decision-makers – 7 positions. It was this flexibility that I taught all my employees.Our team managed to give out more than 300 presentations per day !

3. Used Car Auction

Then my experience took place in a company that sold used cars via an online auction. In this company, I tested new skills in selecting already remote call center operators.
It was this turn in my career that opened my eyes to the fact that guys from remote cities in Russia have a much greater zeal for work. These employees know the value of money and are ready to give their best, working from home and having only a computer, a headset and personal motivation. They are easier to ignite, they are more adaptable, they really want to earn money.The telemarketing department alone provided over 1,000 visits to the dealership each month to conduct auctions.

 Your own telemarketing company

After my career path at 11 years old, I understood this arithmetic:
Work for real results Ability to adapt to new material data  conditions Remote team of employees Here it is – the formula for successful telemarketing! Thanks to experience in various positions, thanks to the strongest company managers, in 2017 we assembled our own team of operators, took on the first project from the client and off we went…Angelica Popovicheva Head of Call Center Rocket Call This is how our call center Rocket Call with payment for results appeared. Now we are actively attracting new clients for any type of business.It is nice to realize that the whole path was not in vain. 
Cold calling works when done by professionals. Do you use telemarketing to attract clients to your business?
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