Eliminate These 3 Distractions to Build a Business You Dominate

Entrepreneurship is an exciting venture with many benefits. However, along with those benefits come many sacrifices and hard work.


Unfortunately, statistics show that only about 50% of all new businesses survive the first 5 years; about 30% survive 10 years or more. With this in mind, most people starting a business understand that there is a good chance they won’t make it.


As an entrepreneur, part of your job is to do everything you can to maximize your company’s chances of “making it.” It starts with where you put your attention and what distractions you allow to dominate your productivity.

3 distractions you need to stop if you want your business to succeed
Distractions are rampant in the life of an entrepreneur. The cost of these distractions is detrimental to your business. Recognize what your biggest distractions are and take steps to eliminate them so you can hustle without burning yourself out.


Maximize your opportunity for success by recognizing and eliminating these 3 distractions to build a business you can dominate:


While “getting organized” may seem like a lot of work in itself, we promise that it will make your business life much easier in the long run. A clear organizational strategy will help you stay on track to achieve your short- and long-term goals.


As a business owner, you take on many roles, or ‘wear many hong Kong telegram data  hats’ so to speak. It’s easy to get pulled in a million different directions, which kills your productivity. Not only is this a distraction for you, but it’s also a distraction for your clients or customers. Show potential clients that you can run your business by staying organized.


telegram data

Luckilythere’s an app for that


Consider using a scheduling or task organization tool. These can shared information if you want  be really helpful in planning, organizing, and prioritizing your time.

Cell phones
While cell phones are an important, even critical, tool for bu bw lists siness, it’s important to prevent yours from becoming a detrimental distraction. Avoid the temptation to compulsively check your phone.


According to a recent study, the average person spends approximately 4 hours per day on their cell phones, with almost 2 hours on various social media channels.

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