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You objectively did everything possible

You can make adjustments to the work and try to achieve the desir result for the organization together with the employee. Conduct a conversation about dismissal after a set of works on correcting errors or improving the productivity of a specific employee. It is necessary: conduct a personal conversation, point out inaccuracies in the work, and also hear the opinion of this employee; make changes to the work, draw up a corrective action plan that will suit both parties; set a probationary period that is appropriate to the tasks.

Arrange a meeting with the employee

If the previous step did not yield results, then the employee poland phone number library can be fir after the probationary period. You ne to schule a meeting in the work office or hold a call in private. To do this: Make a written plan of the conversation in advance and highlight important points, rules, and topics that ne to be discuss.

Be sure to select the grounds for dismissal

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Prepare all necessary information and materials (a copy of the dismissal order, the amount of compensation, the date of dismissal, etc.); work through different conversation scenarios; Prepare for questions from the employee. The conversation about wind energy: offshore and advanced turbines dismissal should be thought out in advance, clearly and in detail. There should be no spontaneity. Step 3: Talk to the employee without regret or guilt Although we are considering a “soft” and ethical dismissal of an employee, the manager should not feel guilty or express other emotions during the final conversation with the person.

At the same time, such an employee

Must respect subordination. In addition, if you have clearly buy lead follow “Step 1”, then the employee’s appearance in your office should not cause negative emotions. You should not have a feeling of shame in relation to the former employee.  to keep the employee in his position. To avoid beating yourself up over being fir, you can use one piece of advice. Remember that each person is unique and has their own strengths. If a former employee does not fit into your company’s system, this does not mean that he or she will not be able to realize his or her potential elsewhere.

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