Steps to backup emails in Outlook
The quickest way to backup your Outlook emails and data is to export a PST file and save it to your computer or an external storage device. Here’s how:
Step 1. On the “File” tab in Outlook, select “Open & Export” and then click “Import/Export.”
open and export outlook
Step 2. In the ImportExport Wizard, select the “Export to a file” action and click “Next.”
Import and Export Wizard
Step 3. In the next window, you will be asked to choose the file type for the Outlook backup. Select “Outlook Data File (.pst)”.
.pst file
Step 4. Now choose the data you want to export. In this israel telegram data example, we are going to back up the “Calendar” folder. Select “Include subfolders” to have the backup include all subfolders, and then click “Next”.
Include subfolders
Step 5. Finally, choose where you want to save the backup file. This you’ll gain new ideas can be a local folder, an external hard drive, or a USB flash drive, for example. For important data, it is a good idea to save identical backups on multiple storage devices whenever p bw lists ssible. If you regularly create backups of Outlook data, you can select the “Replace duplicates with exported items” option to avoid duplicate files. Click “Finish” to exit the wizard.