Personal Branding: When the brand is you

Estela Duran Guzman
Estela Duran Guzman
Account Manager at fromDoppler Mexico. Passionate about cinema, photography and interactive communications.

Wrote 14 posts


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Personal Branding Strategies

If you are looking to create a successful Personal Brand in the online world, this post will interest you. Discover the best strategies from an expert: Roberto Arancibia . Go ahead!

On June 3, we shared a new Doppler Academy training: “Keys and Strategies of Personal Branding” with Roberto Arancibia, Publicist and Professor of Digital Marketing at the Universidad del Pacífico and one of the most recognized experts in Latin America regarding Personal Branding .

Were you unable to attend this training or would you like to watch it again so you don’t miss any details? Don’t worry!  usa data  We are always working to ensure you receive the most useful advice. That’s why we are an analysis of the main differences between american and european bloggers  sharing with you the recording of this unmissable Webinar .

But… before enjoying this training, you can register for free at the next Doppler Academy to learn “Foolproof strategies to create profitable databases” with our Marketing Manager, Sol Romeo .



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