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In August you can sell

Yesterday I was talking to a French client about the situation in Spain in August. The country is undergoing one of its worst crises in its history but still most people are on holiday. My contact did not directly express what he thought about the matter but with only the comment “yes, the Spanish…” (he speaks Spanish) with a smile that I could feel through the phone I had no more to say.

Generate business in AugustPhoto rights by Fotolia

August is not a problem of month but of attitude

I don’t see anything wrong with people going on holiday. In fact, I’ll be at the beach for a week too, to get away from it all. Obviously, I’ll keep posting every day. The problem with August isn’t so much the month itself, but people’s attitude when the holiday season approaches. Many (Spanish) clients don’t want to touch anything new by the end of June, since everything is dead in August. It would be nice to be able to think that when the beach month is over, everything is back to normal. We Spaniards need at least the first 2 weeks of September to warm up and get out of holiday mode. In short, we have a brutal drop in productivity from mid-July to mid-September. That is to say, we’re talking about 2 months each year where, apart from the beaches, we have little or no business.

How to sell in the month of August

I refuse to accept that you can’t sell in costa rica phone number library August. I’ve started the first 3 days of August getting new sales. It’s not costing me as much as one might think. It’s just a matter of getting on with it.

1. Sell abroad : OK, this is easier said than done in many cases. Coguan’s business is international, so in the “slow” months we can focus more on foreign clients. If you don’t have foreign clients yet, take advantage of this season to find them.

2. Expand your business lines : at Coguan we have started to organize online marketing training for entrepreneurs . It creates synergies with our main business since, apart from generating income and cash flow in August, we get contacts from potential clients.

phone number library

Pick up the phone and write emails

Some people would like to, but only a few have 4 weeks of vacation in August. If you try, you will always get people who are working. You a– choose your thing carefully may not generate sales in August, but you are already preparing the ground for September by getting there before your competition. Also expand your affiliate network so they can help you generate more business.

I’m sure there are many more possibilities to tg data sell in August. It’s a matter of changing the chip. If many of us start thinking this way we can change things. Gaining 2 months of productivity would not hurt this country at this time.

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