Home » How to Reduce Website Bounce Rate

How to Reduce Website Bounce Rate

What to do if visitors leave your site after 5-10 seconds? Let’s talk about it… Behavioral factors influence website promotion, it’s no secret. And the bounce rate is one of the important parameters, which ideally should tend to zero. But the world is not perfect and our task is simply to try to reduce this figure to a minimum.
In English it sounds like – bounce rate . It is based on how long a visitor stays on the site and how many pages he views. It is on this data that the calculation statistics are based.
Here’s a simple example. You won’t be able to see more than one page on the landing page. This means that Google Analytics will show 100% bounces. Is this a high bounce rate? The highest possible! But this will be considered a normal figure in this situation.
In this case, even if the page has interesting or useful content other than photos, the person will still leave immediately. After all, he found the answer he needed here and now.

Will this negatively impact the bounce rate for one particular page

Should we remove the visual photo with the answer from the article so that another person will linger and look for the answer longer next time? Of course not )) After all, the content is currently most useful to users. And the photo is the most visual answer in this case.
And if the concept of the site is to provide simple answers to questions, then there is no point in focusing on the bounce rate.
However, even on sites of this type, if georgia phone number library you try, you can reduce the bounce rate by engaging users. This could be competent interlinking, additional recommendations on the most interesting questions, etc.
What is a normal website bounce rate?
Let’s conclude. There are no clear criteria for assessing “normality”. Each site is individual. The ratio of traffic sources is different for everyone. For one site, 50% of bounces will be normal or even low. And for another – a disaster.

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It is important to be able to analyze statistics and find problem areas

For example: the average bounce rate on an online store website may be 25%, but for a single page with a specific product it is 90%.
We look for the reason. First, we check the page itself. Does everything work, does the product photo display, is the description correct, do the how to use telegram for influencer marketing buttons work, etc.
If everything is OK, we go to the statistics to check the traffic sources. It is necessary to find out where people come from and by what queries. Perhaps an irrelevant ad is running in contextual advertising. People click on an ad that job data talks about a red dress for 1 thousand, but end up on a page where this dress costs 10 thousand rubles. They feel deceived and leave. Here is the reason for such a high bounce rate. It is enough to fix the ad, and the problem is solved.

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