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8 Tricks of Unscrupulous Call Centers

field field is filled In this article turn again to our entrepreneur Vitalik, who was already the main. Character in the article about call centers on a per-minute basis .For those who haven’t read our previous article, we’ll explain: Vitalik is our fictional character, who has tried 5 types of call centers in his IT business and still hasn’t found a suitable option for himself.He is still willing to invest some money in the call center to get warm clients for his business.Here we want to tell you about 8 sins of the call center market .

8 sins of typical telemarketers: field field is filled

field field is filled Per-minute billing and rounding up to whole minutes They don’t contact the decision maker They don’t even finish warm clients Paid pilot project Prices for services are not known in advance Minimum-high order value They overcharge for project preparation They don’t return money in case of failure

1. Per-minute billing and rounding up to whole minutes

field field is filled Per-minute billing is an algorithm for outgoing calls, in which you, as a Customer, will pay only for the cost of “voiced minutes”. At first glance, it seems like a good deal due to the low price: 11 rubles per minute on average. All prices can be found .Everything would be fine, but when  denmark telegram data you are presented with the final bill for the work, all the “magic of the low price” disappears. With per-minute billing, seconds are rounded up to whole minutes , and not according to all the mathematical laws of rounding off numbers, but always up. In addition, of course, the following are counted:

2. They don’t contact the decision maker

field field is filled Namely, they communicate with secretaries and offer your product to them without reaching the final decision maker. Of course, you can’t expect sales from such contacts. In the case of per-minute pricing, this will be an expense for your minute package.
There are also call centers that work for calls made, not minutes. We also talked about them in this article . In this case, you simply pay for the number of calls without reference to minutes. Let’s look at a detailed example:
The call center “The Most Successful”, let’s call it that, offers Vitaly to call 500 contacts and guarantees him a 5% conversion for 37,000 rubles. 25 potential clients at the exit – seems not bad. But in reality, Vitalik faced the fact that the 500 contacts included conversations with secretaries and just managers – everyone who does not make a decision on the product. Vitaly paid 37,000, and received 25 dubious contacts. Why dubious – read the next point.

How to avoid falling for this trick

field field is filled Use the advice from point #1 – look for call centers that charge for clients (for warm clients). In addition, approach the issue of determining your decision maker very carefully and clearly indicate to the call center project manager: with whom the call  – it’s time to end the conversation and start looking for another telemarketing company.should be charged and that you do not intend to pay for secretaries. If they tell you that no call center will agree to such conditions
denmark telegram data

 They don’t even finish off the warmest clients


It happens that during the first communication with a potential client, the operator hears that the contact is very interested and there is a high probability of a deal with him.Some call centers have such an option as sending commercial offers, price lists and other materials on your product to such interested contacts so that they can get acquainted with it in more detail and calmly make a decision.But what happens next? That’s the thing, nothing . The commercial proposal was sent, and then Vitaly, go ahead and do it yourself . The result of negotiations for most unscrupulous call centers is a positive response to the offer to send information by email. And what happens next is of no concern  field field is filled to anyone except the Customer himself. At the same time: Consent to send a commercial by mail is in no way a confirmation that the client at least has a need , not to mention a desire to pay for the offered product/service;
Often, “ send by mail ” is a standard emergency webmail:why not do without it?  excuse . It’s good if your CP goes further than the secretary. At the same time, most will not even open the letter. And for Vitaly, this “client” will be in the promised conversion of 5% (according to the example with calculations from point.

Our hero will have to work through

all the clients who received the CP and find out their intentions. And it will save a lot of money on the budget! Example of a report:field field is filled Seconds of connection with the subscriber: voice greeting, waiting for connection, etc. Conversation with the secretaryWe discussed these and other points in detail in the article about call centers with pay-per-minute rates .How not to fall for this trick?Look for call centers without per-minute billing.Do such exist? Read to the end and find out everything.

An example of a visual report of an email newsletter via the Unisender service

How not to fall for this trick?
The advice is the same: look for call centers with payment for results . It is only in their interests to conduct a full warming of clients, call back after sending materials and bring interested clients to a positive decision. This is the only guarantee that you will get real warm clients.

 “Pilot project” for your money

 It consists of the fact that operators will also call X contacts (see point No. 3), then calculate the conversion and cost of one potential client, which they will ultimately tell you after the test. Who pays for the test? Of course, you do! And it’s not a fact that the price per client after the test will suit you. But you’ve already paid for the test.
How to avoid this trick?Look for real telemarketing services with pay-per-results , who do not conduct pilot projects to find out the conversion of the product. Is it possible? Yes, you can find out more in this article .


For example, you followed

our advice and material data  found an interesting offer from a call center with payment for results . But it is unclear how much it will cost. Doesn’t this seem suspicious to you?  One has one set of conditions, another – another . Where it is more complicated, there is a higher price, where the project is easy, there is a different price. It is even unfair…
For the sake of purity of the experiment, Vitaly asked Yandex: ” call center with payment for the result And to find out the price, you must first leave a request and talk to the manager. Who will then improvise and come up with an individual price for you immediately or at the second contact.

How not to fall for this trick?

Look for a call center where the prices on the site are publicly available. This way you can calculate the cost of your project in advance and calculate the effectiveness of this attraction tool.Our call center hides nothing from clients. Transparent rates are available on the page. And also a special calculator that will help calculate the efficiency of investing money in our client attraction tool. Try it!Anzhelika Popovicheva , CEO of RocketCall call center

6. Minimum order value

Let’s look at a real example again to be as objective as possible.
Look at the screenshot (Text with the word “ATTENTION”). It turns out that if you want to work for the result, then in individual call centers it will cost you at least 100,000 rubles. At the same time, it is still not clear what you will get from this telemarketing.
Or there are cases when you want to try a minimum volume first, and then, having assessed the quality of the clients, take larger packages. This is generally reasonable on the part of the Customer. But in this example, Vitaly will have to pay 100,000 for a pig in a poke.

How to avoid this trick?

Look for companies that offer specific packages or are willing to offer a minimum volume. n our practice, we use tariffs that start from 50 warm clients. There are such clients for whom this is too much, or who are still not very familiar with our company and have doubts: for them, we meet halfway and agree on individual volumes. After that, as a rule, clients order larger volumes.

— Anzhelika Popovicheva , CEO of the RocketCall call center

They overcharge for project preparation

Before starting to implement a project, call center coordinators and supervisors must study the product, understand all the subtleties and nuances, prepare a script, and write out how to handle all possible objections.There is no talk of any clients yet.
How to avoid this trick?Look for companies that offer a single payment for preparation, which does not depend on the uniqueness of your product.

Yes, yes, it happens. You paid money

hoped to get clients, signed a contract, and in the end, nothing. Not only did you not get clients, but you also lost your entire budget. We found a small example below. If you are seriously looking for a good call center , then it will not be difficult for you to find this and other similar reviews: How to avoid falling for this trick? Carefully read the service agreement. It should clearly indicate the Contractor’s obligations to the Customer. And regulate the procedure for actions in case of non-compliance with obligations.

Many assured Vitaly that no one would

work for the result, since it is financially unprofitable for the call center .However, everyone knows the truth:if there is demand, then there will be supply!Angelica PopovichevaHead of Call Center RocketCallAnd there really are companies that do not follow the market and needs.Nevertheless, such an offer has appeared and copes with its task – a call center without payment per minute . Follow the link and see for yourself that real payment for the result exists. And those who are not aware and make excuses – send them to us, let’s talk!
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